Pink Himalayan salt is often referred to as 'herbal salt'. It has a very different reputation than the white variety. While the pink salt does have more natural minerals, neither is enough to significantly impact your overall health.
The most common problem that comes with iodine deficiency is hyperthyroidism. A low amount of natural salt in the system, especially one that is pink, can lead to an iodine shortage, which in turn can cause hyperthyroidism.
The presence of these two minerals in salt can help reduce the effectiveness of medications used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Since this is an extremely serious condition, it is vital that you seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms associated with it. Many people who suffer from hyperthyroidism also experience fatigue and muscle weakness.
Pink Himalayan salt is also a great option if you suffer from low blood pressure or high cholesterol. If you're suffering from hypertension, then your physician may suggest you take a salt supplement. This is a good idea because the potassium in pink Himalayan salt can be helpful in keeping blood pressure at healthy levels. In
best pink salt , many salt supplements contain iodine.
Some people suffer from high cholesterol and are at risk for heart disease and stroke, but the high cholesterol does not necessarily mean you are suffering from high blood pressure. If you are on medication for your hypertension and if you suffer from a hypothyroid condition, then adding some salt to your diet can be a great way to lower your blood pressure.
Since hypertension is often the result of too much salt in the bloodstream, reducing your sodium intake and increasing your potassium consumption can help to lower your blood pressure. Pink salt is a great choice because it contains more natural minerals than the white variety. With less sodium and no artificial ingredients, this is an all-natural product that you can use on a regular basis without any health concerns.
There is no need to worry about salt causing you problems with your digestion. Pink Himalayan salt does not contain additives like sugar or stabilizers that might contribute to issues related to digestive health.
Salt is known to contribute to the formation of kidney stones. However, this isn't a concern for pink salt. If you do happen to have kidney problems, you can easily lower the risk by taking a high-fiber diet, increasing your fluid intake and increasing your sodium consumption.
Pink Himalayan salt is a great way to improve your health and to enjoy your health at the same time. Try using some on a daily basis for best results.